You have missed Online Dublin Cat Fair? Worry not! You can now watch replay on Maow Academy! Your purchase will give you life time access to the videos. And we have many more videos in planning too!
As seen on
FM 104, 98 FM, Lovin' Dublin, Spin1038,!
Now that we are spending a lot of time indoor, let's do something positive and educational!
Online version of Dublin Cat Fair is a dream come true for cat lovers around the world. You will be able to listen to lectures from cat experts across 4 countries, all in the comfort of your own home!
Our usual favourite cat theme companies will sponsor special offers for fair goers. We are trying to create an online experience that is as close as it gets to the real fair.
都柏林貓貓節除咗有嘢學,仲有嘢買。喺呢度,你可以獲得唔同貓店嘅網上折扣,幫主子盡情入靚貨嘅同時都可以錫住荷包,仲諗? 抱主子埋嚟一齊 shopping 啦!
Big thanks to our sponsors
Our sponsors have kindly chipped in to support the costs of this website and the use of Zoom technology. Go check out their shops, your tickets will come with their discount code. Please support the small businesses who support Dublin Cat Fair. We can get through this, together. Let’s do it!
And those loyal clients who use various excuses to send us money for this event, THANK YOU! You know who you are :-)
Are you a cat theme business? You might want to sponsor Online Dublin Cat Fair. Check this out!