

Online Dublin Cat Fair

Date: 19 April 2020, 10:00 GMT to 17:00 GMT (11:00 to 18:00 Dublin Time)
Venue: Zoom

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Dublin Cat Fair is the brainchild of Alice Chau-Ginguene. She is the owner of Maow Care, a cat care service that provides cat sitting, behavioural therapy and workshops. After years of attending cat events in other countries, she decided to finally give it a try to organise our very own Irish event of this kind. 

Now that we are all spending a lot of time inside during this unprecedented scale of pandemic, Alice decided to make good use of this time to do something educational and positive, here comes Online Dublin Cat Fair!

You will be able to listen to lectures in the comfort of your own home. Our usual favourite cat theme companies will sponsor special offers for fair goers. We are trying to create an online experience that is as close as it gets to the real fair.

Bonus point: Since it’s an online event, Alice is able to invite speakers from outside of Ireland to participate. Let's get our brain moving while indoor, let's go!

This is the first time we are organising an online event, we are learning and have very very small budget, please be gentle but suggestions and comments are most welcome, please let her know here