Archive: Programme 2017



Welcome message

10:15 - 10:45

What is TNR (Trap, Neuter and Release) and why do it?

Jackie Maher will discuss TNR (Trap, Neuter and Release) - why TNR, how to TNR, the benefits of TNR and the myths surrounding it. 

Jackie Maher, QQI Level 5 in Veterinary Assisting, QQI Level 6 in Animal Science, Canine First Aid Responder
Owner, Cat Sitter At Home
Volunteer, Cats Aid Dublin

11:00 - 11:30

Lost Cat Recovery

Alice is currently going through training with Kat Albrecht - a former American police officer-turned-pet-detective who is a pioneer in using police investigative technique to recover lost cats. Alice is going to talk about search probability theory, behavioral profiling and the use of high-tech equipment to look for missing cats. 

11:45 - 12:15

What’s all the fuss about Catnip anyway?

We cat owners have all heard of or used catnip at some time.  What exactly is it and does it really work?  Is it safe, how is it produced and how should we use it?

Aideen will give you an overview of everything you need to know about catnip and how to get the best out of it for your cat.

12:30 - 13:00 

Feline Lifestyle Related Diseases

Discussion of some of the diseases caused by the modern domestic cat lifestyle and what we can do to prevent them

Aoife Caulfield
MVB, MANZCVS (Feline Medicine) Veterinary Surgeon, Just Cats Veterinary Clinic and Cattery

14:00 - 14:30

Pillars of Cat Happiness - Does your home have everything to keep your cat happy?

Julia is a veterinary surgeon and a member of the International Society of Feline Medicine. She will discuss environmental needs of cats in accordance with the latest recommendations  of the International Society of Feline  Medicine. 

Julia Ivanova
Veterinary Surgeon, DVM, MRCVS, MSc, provider of a veterinary home visiting service Vets for Cats

14:45 - 15:15

Feline Medical Emergencies

When to call the vet and when to wait? Some pointers on what you can do at home in an emergency or if your cat is unwell

Roisin Foran
RVN, Diploma in Feline Nursing, Veterinary Nurse, Just Cats Veterinary Clinic and Cattery

15:30 - 15:45 

Why do we need to learn pet CPR? And what to do if we don't have training?  

Alice is a Pet First Response Instructor, she is going to talk about why knowing basic CPR technique is important for every cat lover and what to do in case of emergency if we have no training. 

16:00 - 16:30 

Kat-chat! Understanding stress in cats and natural treatment options

Sinnéad is the Veterinary Advisor for Interchem. She is going to talk to us about Feliway pheromone treatment in handling stress in cats. 

Sinnéad Oakes, MVB Cert ESM MRCVS, Veterinary Advisor Interchem


Closing Message