


Door Open to Market Place


Welcome message

Alice Chau-Ginguene
Organiser, Dublin Cat Fair
Cat behaviourist, sitter, Pet First Response Instructor, Maow Care

10:40 - 11:00

What is feline acupuncture?

What does feline acupuncture do? How does it work? What kind of illness would be beneficial from the treatment?

Gary Cregan
Veterinary Surgeon, Veterinary acupuncturist, Lissenhall Veterinary Hospital

11:00 - 11:20

Why do we need community cats and what is TNR?

Why do we need cats in our community? What are the health and social benefit to us? What is TNR and how do we do it?

Jackie Maher, QQI Level 5 in Veterinary Assisting, QQI Level 6 in Animal Science, Canine First Aid Responder,
Owner, Cat Sitter At Home

11:20 - 11:40

Introduction to Feline Behaviour

What is feline behaviour? How does the physiology of cat affect their behaviour? Is it possible to ‘train’ cats?

Alice Chau-Ginguene
Organiser, Dublin Cat Fair
Cat behaviourist, sitter, Pet First Response Instructor, Maow Care

11:40 - 12:00 

International Transport for Cats

Kevin is the expert in international animal transport. He will be debunk all the myths once and for all in relations to international cat travel. (Hint: It’s not as complicated or as expensive than people think!)

14:00 - 14:20

Feline life stage guidelines

How do we care of our cats during different stage of their lives?

Roberta D'Antone, DVM GPCert (FeIP)
Veterinary Surgeon, Just Cats Veterinary Clinic and Cattery, ISFM member, Certificate in Feline Practice

14:20 - 14:40

The importance of grooming

Why is it important for cats to be groomed regularly? What can we do at home and what do they do in a salon?

Audrey Furlong
Cat behaviourist, cat groomer and cattery owner at Moggie Motel

14:40 - 15:00 

Caring for a cat with Chronic Kidney Disease - an owners guide

One of the words that cat lover scared to hear “Chronic Kidney Disease”. What does it mean to the quality of life of your cat? And what do we need to do day to day?

Sara Crawford
BSc Veterinary Nursing (former RVN), Final Year Project Title “Nursing considerations for the chronic kidney disease feline patient - towards a gold standard approach”

15:00 - 15:20 

Feline nutrition

What are the best way to feed cats? How to understand their eating behaviour?

Joe Farrell, RVN CertFN
Veterinary nurse, Just Cats Veterinary Clinic and Cattery, ISFM member


Closing Message

Alice Chau-Ginguene
Organiser, Dublin Cat Fair
Cat behaviourist, sitter, Pet First Response Instructor, Maow Care

15:30 - 17:00

Market Place remain open